Thursday, April 19, 2018

এইচএসসি ২০২০ ইংরেজি দ্বিতীয় পত্র প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর HSC 2020 English Second Question Answer

HSC পরীক্ষা ২০১৮ এর ইংরেজি দ্বিতীয় পত্রের সম্ভাব্য উত্তরমালা

HSC 2018 English Second Question & Answer (Dhaka Board)

Question number 1.
a) an 
b) the
c) a
d) A
e) X
f) A
g) A
h) A
i) X
j) X
Question number 2.
a) to/for
b) for
c) from
d) with
e) on
f) in
g) to
h) with
i) down
j) of
Question Number 3.
a) had better
b) as soon as
c) as if
d) have to
e) was born
f) It
g) let alone
h) There
i) would rather
j) what if

Question number 4.
A) The key to industrial success.
B) A man cannot be successful in life without struggle.
C) Most of the people in the world are hardworking.
D) Lazy person cannot maintain good health.
E) We should not like lazy people.
F) I always try to work hard.
G) I know the story of a hardworking man living in Egypt.
H) That person always inspires me to work hard.
i) I have a poor mother. He could have become rich by working hard.
j) He has become poor due to laziness.

Question Number 5.
a) go
b) will get
c) should
d) be given
e) need
f) be trained
g) be brought
h) should take
i) get close
j) should be 
Question Number 10.
a) so
b. In fact
c. what
d. but
e. Generally
f. Moreover
g. as well as
h. On the other hand
i. who
j. So

HSC 2018 English Second Question & Answer (Rajshahi Board)

HSC 2018 English Second Question & Answer of Rajshahi Board will be available here.
If I get the Question of other board, then I will submit that here. So, please send your question paper to our Facebook Page।
Please note that, our answer is not always 100% correct. There may be some mistakes. So, don't take it so seriously.

শেয়ার করুন


Etiam at libero iaculis, mollis justo non, blandit augue. Vestibulum sit amet sodales est, a lacinia ex. Suspendisse vel enim sagittis, volutpat sem eget, condimentum sem.

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