
Wednesday, May 25, 2022

অনার্স চতুর্থ বর্ষের রেজাল্ট ২০২২| Honours 4th year result | nu honours 4th year result | Alaminitbd

অনার্স চতুর্থ বর্ষের রেজাল্ট ২০২২| Honours 4th year result | nu honours 4th year result | Alaminitbd

 অনার্স চতুর্থ বর্ষের রেজাল্ট ২০২২| Honours 4th year result | nu honours 4th year result | Alaminitbd

অনার্স চতুর্থ বর্ষের রেজাল্ট ২০২২| Honours 4th year result | nu honours 4th year result | Alaminitbd

জাতীয় বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের ওয়েবসাইটে Honours 4th year result server-1 অথবা

 nu honours 4th year result server-2 এ পাওয়া যাবে


Honours 4th year exam result 2022।।How to check H4 Exam Result by SMS system
Honours 4th year result 2022  nu4 2022 অনার্স চতুর্থ বর্ষের রেজাল্ট ২০২২

Honours 4th year exam Result 2022 | অনার্স ৪র্থ বর্ষ রেজাল্ট ২০২২ | NU Results | Honours 4th year
#Honours_result #4th_year result

অনার্স ৪র্থ বর্ষ পরীক্ষার ফলাফল প্রকাশ সংক্রান্ত বিজ্ঞপ্তিঃ
Honours 4th Year Result 2022 has been published. National University Honors exam result for final year 2022 has prepared. So it is time to get Honours 4th year exam result. In this case Honours fourth year students looking for the Honours H4 result 2022.

All Honours affiliated colleges of National University 4th or final year students participated this exam. So the number is huge. Every students now searching for the publish date of NU Honours 4th year result exam year 2018. Although, every Hons 4th year students know the full process of 4th year result. Yet I am discussing some important things about Honours 4th year result.

In this discussion, I am discussing all information about Honours 4th year exam result 2022. Such as result publish date, Honours final year result, how to check Hons 4th year result, Honours consolidated result. Further challenge and re serenity process of honours 4th year exam result. Subject grading system. In addition all related issues about NU Honours 4th Result.

Honours 4th Year Exam

Nu Honors 4th year exam is the last stage of a graduate student. So the part 4 exam is the hardest between all others parts. Honours four years graduare course is running around 770 colleges in Bangladesh. All colleges belongs to National University and also nu.ac.bd. There are about 30 subjects in Honors Fourth Year exam.

According to the Honours 4th year routine, Honours 4th year exam was between 14 March to 18 April.

Honours 4th Year Exam Result 2022 Publish Date

The result publish date of Honours 4th year exam result is 21 July 2022. However, we all know the result publishes within 90 days. In this case the National University (NU) is going to publish the Hons fourth and final year result 2022 which exam session is 2019.

NU Honours 4th Year Result 2022

The Honours 4th year result has been published. While the result publish news has come out to the students, they have very excited to get or see their result. Many students know how to see result, or many not. Here I am sharing the way of getting Hon’s results.

The Honours 4th year exam result is available here. You can get Honours 4th year result in our website. In order to get Honours Final year result, please read the process of result view.

How To Get NU Honors 4th Year Result?

Honors fourth year examination result publishes National University through SMS or website. Every time web users faces many problem like server jam, server slow, etc. But in the mobile SMS method, the result gets very easily.

Get Honors 4th Year Result Through SMS

To Get Honors 4th Year Result, A SMS Must Be Send With A Pattern. All Telecom Operator Sim Can Be Used To Get Result By SMS Method.

Write A New Message Like- NU [Space] H4 [Space] Roll Number & Send It To 16222 Number

Get NU Honors Fourth Year Result Through Website

NU Honors Final Year Result Can Also Get Online Though Website. There Are Two Official Websites NU.AC.BD, NU.EDU.BD & NUBD.INFO.
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Movie Credits– Movie Name – Mission Extreme Directed by – Sunny Sanwar & Faisal Ahmed Produced By – Cop Creation In Association With Dhaka Detective Club Co-Produced By – Mime Multimedia Starring – Arifin Shuvoo, Taskeen Rahman, Jannatul Ferdous Oishee, Sadia Nabila, Sumit Sen Gupta, Raisul Islam Asad, Fazlur Rahman Babu, Shahiduzzaman Selim Shatabdi Wadud, Iresh Zaker, Maznun Mizan, Manoj Pramanik, Aref Syed & Khalid Hasan Rumi Editor – Md Kalam Dop – Sudipta Majumdar Associate Director – Rajdeep Ghosh Music – Adit Art Director – Tapash Sarkar Action – Rajesh Kannan Line Producer – Sarathi Guha Executive Producer – Sayak Khan Production & Distribution Advisor – Zahid Hasan Abhi Publicity Design – Sayeem ( Yfvfx) Promotion Supervisor – Anup Kumar Biswas

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Mission Extreme Full HD Movie Watch | মিশন এক্সট্রিম ফুল মুভি

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Tuesday, May 24, 2022

সিরাজগঞ্জ জেলার ১০ টি  দর্শনীয় স্থান । sirajganj historical place address । Top 10 Historical Place in Sirajganj। historical places of sirajganj

সিরাজগঞ্জ জেলার ১০ টি দর্শনীয় স্থান । sirajganj historical place address । Top 10 Historical Place in Sirajganj। historical places of sirajganj

সিরাজগঞ্জ জেলার ১০ টি  দর্শনীয় স্থান । sirajganj historical place address । Top 10 Historical Place in Sirajganj। historical places of sirajganj 

Sirajganj Tourist Spots Bangladesh

Sirajgonj town stands on the bank of Jamuna river. The district was named by Zamindar Siraj Uddin Chowdhury. It was declared as a district on 30th January 1984. The oldest bridge named Elliot Bridge was established in 1883. Rabindra Kuthi is also situated in Shahzadpur Upazilla under Sirajgonj District. The largest bridge Bangabandhu Multipurpose bridge is also situated in Sirajganj Distric over Jamuna river. Mahatma Gandhi and Subhas Bose visited  Sirajganj in 1928. The place is famous for cow milk and dairy product.

List of Top Tourist Spots / Places

Sirajganj Tourist Spots List

Sirajganj Sadar

  • Eco park
  • Elliot Bridge  (iron bridge, built in 1893)
  • Mawlana Bhashani
  • Jamuna Multipurpose Bridge
  • Kalika Devi Bigraha
  • Akhra of Sri Sri Maha Prabhu
  • Heat Point of Jamuna River


  • Homestead of Behula
  • Hazrat Abdul Ali Baki Shah Sharif Jindani (R) of Naogaon Mazar


  • Khaja Younus Ali Medical College
  • Khawaza Pir Saheb of Enayetpur (Chauhali, tomb, and mosque)
  • Suchitra Sen house
  • Poet Rajinikanth Sen House
  • ...................................................................

  • 1. Khaja Younus Ali Medical College

  • 2. Khawaza Pir Saheb of Enayetpur (Chauhali, tomb, and mosque)

3.House neglected, items scanty at Suchitra Sen memorial museum

  • 4.Poet Rajinikanth Sen House


  • Makkahaulia Mosque (fifteenth century,)
  • রিয়া রুপন শিশু পার্ক, চড়ুইমুড়ি উল্লাপাড়া সিরাজগঞ্জ
  • Nabaratna Mandir (Hatikumrul)
  • ...............................................................................
  • Makkahaulia Mosque (fifteenth century,)

    • Riya Rupon Shishu Park Ullapara | রিয়া রুপন শিশু পার্ক 

  • Nabaratna Mandir (Hatikumrul)


  • Protap Dighi
  • Joysagar
  • Makimpur Zamider Bari
  • Sanal Jamiderbari ans Shib Temple
  • Atgoria Jamider Bari
  • ধুবিল কাটার মহল জমিদার বাড়ি,ধুবিল,রায়গঞ্জ,সিরাজগঞ্জ dhubil Zamidar Bari,Raiganj, Sirajganj
  • Vola Dewan Mazar
  • Gopinath Bigraha
  • .......................................
  • Protap Dighi

  • Joysagar

  •                             Watcb Youtube this video

  • Makimpur Zamider Bari

  •                         Makimpur Zamider Bari sirajganj
  • Watching this video click link

  • Sanal Jamiderbari ans Shib Temple
  • Atgoria Jamider Bari

  • ধুবিল কাটার মহল জমিদার বাড়ি,ধুবিল,রায়গঞ্জ,সিরাজগঞ্জ dhubil Zamidar Bari,Raiganj, Sirajganj

  • Vola Dewan Mazar

  • Gopinath Bigraha


  • Rabindra Kuthi Bari
  • Baghabari Power Plant
  • Hazrat Mkhadum Shadoulla Mazar

District Profile at a Glance for Visitor

  • 4.Baghabari Power Plant

  • Elliot Bridge  (iron bridge, built in 1893)

  • Gopinath Bigraha mondir

  • Hazrat Abdul Ali Baki Shah Sharif Jindani (R) of Naogaon (Tarash) Mazar
  • Homestead of Behula (Tarash)
  • Jamuna Multipurpose Bridge
  • Joysagar (Raiganj)
  • Kalika Devi Bigraha
  • Khaja Younous Ali Medical College
  • Khawaza Pir Saheb of Enayetpur (Chauhali, tomb and mosque)
  • Milk vita Plant
  • Makkahaulia Mosque (fifteenth century, Ullahpara)
  • Nabaratna Mandir (Hatikumrul, Ullahpara)
  • Protap Dighi (Raiganj)
  • Rabindra Kuthi Bari (Shahzadpur)
  • Shiva Mandir (Tarash)
  • Nabaratna Mandir, Ullahpara Sirajganj.

1. China Badh/ China Dam/চায়না বাঁধ – A Tourist Place in Sirajganj


If you want to enjoy the extraordinary nature of sitting on the river on either side and the green grass carpet in the middle, you can visit the China Badh (China Dam) in the Sirajganj district. It is a great tourist spot to go in Sirajganj.

The Bangladesh water development board constructed the dam on the banks of River Yamuna, just 2 km from Sirajganj district city. The other name of the China Dam is Crossover-3. 

The black pitch edifice passes over the dam from the main gate of the dam to 2 km deep in the Yamuna river. And This Road Can Be Taken To The End Of The Dam.

The China Dam attracts many visitors every day. Stunning natural surroundings built at the bottom of river waters with an infinite sky, boat trips, and the small town of Sirajganj at a short distance should draw visitors to a strange illusion. 

And it’s best to go during the rainy season. It’s one of the most famous places in Sirajganj.

4.Jamuna Bridge/যমুনা সেতু

Jamuna Bridge/যমুনা সেতু

Yamuna Bridge, also well known as Bangabandhu Bridge, is a multi-purpose bridge spanning the Yamuna River in eastern Bangladesh and the western district of Sirajganj in western Bangladesh. Jamuna bridge is a good place to spend some quality time around river and also a great tourist spot to see.

In June 1998, the bridge was the 6th largest bridge in South Asia and the 11th longest bridge in the world. 

With the help of the Japanese government, the foundation stone for the Jamuna Bridge was laid in 1994. But construction was not completed until 1998. 

Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan Vasani first demanded a bridge over the Yamuna river, but Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina implemented it. 

The construction of the Bangabandhu Yamuna multi-purpose bridge has greatly improved the country’s socio-economic development and the transportation of passengers and goods by road and rail.

The bridge extending from Tangail to Sirajganj on the Jamuna River is located on the Asian Highway and the Inter-Asian Railways. The construction of the Yamuna Multipurpose Bridge cost USD 962 million. 

The length of the bridge is 4.8 km, and the width is 18.5 meters. The bridge has been installed on 121 steel beams 80-85 meters long to deal with natural calamities. 

The bridge has 49 spans and 50 pillars. There are 4 lane roads and 2 rail tracks for vehicular and train movement over the Yamuna multi-purpose bridge.

5.Bangabandhu Jamuna Ecopark/বঙ্গবন্ধু যমুনা ইকোপার্ক – A Picnic Spot in Sirajganj

Bangabandhu Jamuna Ecopark/বঙ্গবন্ধু যমুনা ইকোপার্ক

The only entertainment center in the Sirajganj district is Bangabandhu Jamuna eco-park (Bangabandhu Jamuna Eco Park). 

The forest department established the Bangabandhu Jamuna eco-park in 2007 with about 120 acres of land on the western bank of Bangabandhu Bridge. 

The park covered with green trees gives a spectacular view of the Jamuna river and the Bangabandhu Bridge. The number of visitors to Bangabandhu Jamuna eco-park increases due to the unique natural environment surrounded by calm and dense shadows.

Bangabandhu Jamuna Ecopark includes a variety of fruits, forests, and medicinal plants, including mango, guava, radai, amla, deua, fig, jackfruit, olive, blackberry, tamarind, akashmani, epil-epil, arakaria, Bakul, shimul, jayatan, jarul, mahua, nageshwar, karbi, kanjalbhadi, tebubia, arjuna. 

Apart from the green trees, squirrels, birds, deer, peacocks, rabbits, and monkeys are also there.

Open-close schedule

Jamuna Eco Park is open daily from 9 am to 5 pm, and tickets have to be deducted from the main gate to enter.

3.Rabindra Kachari Ghar/রবীন্দ্র কাছারি বাড়ি

Rabindra Kachari Ghar/রবীন্দ্র কাছারি বাড়ি


The ancestral zamindar house of poet Guru Rabindranath Tagore located in Shahzadpur Upazila, 40 km from Sirajganj district headquarters, is known as Rabindra Kachari Ghar (Rabindranath Tagore’s Kacharibari). 

This house was used as a Neelkuthi in the 18th century. In 1842, Rabindranath Tagore’s grandfather Prince Dwarkanath Tagore bought the house at an auction from the British. 

Rabindranath Tagore stayed at this Kachari house in Shahzadpur for 7 years, from 1890 to 1896. Rabindranath Tagore wrote various literary works like Chitra, Sonar Tari, Chaitali, Gitanjali, and Visarjan. 

When the zamindari system was abolished in 1969, Shilaidah Rabindranath’s hut was taken under the Department of Archaeology to preserve it as a glorious memory. After independence in 1971, this Rabindra Kachari house was opened to the public.

The Rabindra Kachari house built in Indo-European architecture on about ten bighas of land is currently built as Rabindra museum.

The 16 rooms on the first and second floors of the museum preserve pictures, photographs, and used items of various postures of Rabindranath Tagore from childhood to old age. 

These include the poet’s paintings, photos of the poet’s childhood, adolescence, youth, colorful palanquins, speedboats, wooden chairs, tea tables, couches, etc. 

Numerous Rabindra fans visit this place containing the poet’s memory every day.

Entry Price & Schedule

The Rabindra Kachari Ghar Museum is open from 10 am to 5 pm from Tuesday to Saturday during Sundays and other public holidays. 

However, there is a break in prayer from 12.30 pm to 2.30 pm on Friday. And from 2.30 pm to 6.30 pm on Monday, you can enter the museum. 

The entry fee for Bangladeshi visitors is Rs 20 per person, and the entry fee for foreign tourists is Rs 100 per person.

  • 10.Akhra of Sri Sri Maha Prabhu

District Profile at a Glance for Visitor
Area / Map2,402.05 sq km / Map
Distance130 km From Dhaka
Main River:Jamuna, Ichamati, Baral, Hurasagar; Chalan Beel
BorderBogra on the north, Pabna and Manikganj districts on the south, Tangail and Jamalpur districts on the east, Pabna, Natore and Bogra districts on the west.
Geo Position24.33°N 89.62°E
UpazilaBelkuchi, Chauhali, Hamarkhanda, Kazipur, Raiganj, Tarash, Shahzadpur, Sirajganj Sadar, Ullahpara.
DivisionRajshahi Division
Main Bus TerminalMirpur
Train StationBazaar Station, Near Mujib Rd.
AirportNearest Airport is at Syedpur and Rajshahi
Highest average temperature: 34.6°c Celsius
Lowest average temperature: 11.9°c Celsius.
Average amount of rainfall is 1610 mm.
HotelsList of district wise accommodations and rest houses
Postal Code6700
NWD Code0751
ISD Code0088
CurrencyTaka (BDT)
BD Govt. Websitewww.dcsirajganj.gov.bd


জলাশয় প্রধান নদী: যমুনা, ইছামতি, বড়াল, হুরাসাগর; চলন বিল উল্লেখযোগ্য। চলন বিলের মোট এলাকার প্রায় 10% জেলার তাড়াশ উপজেলার অন্তর্গত।
প্রশাসন সিরাজগঞ্জ মহকুমা 1885 সালে পাবনা জেলার অধীনে প্রতিষ্ঠিত হয় এবং এটি 1984 সালে একটি জেলায় রূপান্তরিত হয়। জেলার নয়টি উপজেলার মধ্যে উল্লাহপাড়া বৃহত্তম (414.43 বর্গ কিমি) এবং কামারখন্দা সবচেয়ে ছোট (91.61 বর্গ কিমি)।

Population Total 2693814; male 1397863, female 1295951; Muslim 2551708, Hindu 141406, Buddhist 371, Christian 70 and others 259.

Water bodies Main rivers: jamunaichamatibaralhurasagarchalan beel is notable. About 10% of the total area of Chalan Beel belongs to the Tarash upazila of the district.

Administration Sirajganj Sub-division was established in 1885 under Pabna district and it was turned into a district in 1984. Of the nine upazilas of the district ullahpara is the largest (414.43 sq km) and kamarkhanda' is the smallest (91.61 sq km).

Area (sq km)UpazilaMunicipalityUnionMouzaVillagePopulationDensity (per sq km)Literacy rate (%)











Others Information of District

Name of Upazila

(sq km)






(per sq km)

Literacy rate (%)









































































Sirajganj Sadar









How to go

The districts are 130 km from Dhaka. It may take three h 18 min. The visitor can reach there by train, bus, and car. Sadar bus terminal is known as Mirpur. Buses are available from Kamlapur, Fakirapool in Dhaka.

Hotel and Accommodation

Hotel Nimontron
Borogola Patti, Mujib Road, Sirajganj Sadar

Taxi Cab/ Micro

Call Mr. Chanu. His mobile is 01913977752


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